Our Team

Andrew Cox is an experienced financial markets professional, specialising in hedging FX markets for a portfolio of clients with exposure levels around the $1-$120 million annually. He is also the director of “The broker Network” that operates in financial lending. Andrew has an Undergraduate degree in Commerce from Curtin University, Majoring in Finance. Andrew is also completing his master’s in finance at Curtin University.


Andrew Cox

Che Massong is an experienced Finacial Markets professional specialising in technical finance analysis. Che has an Undergraduate degree in Commerce obtained from Curtin University, Majoring in Finance and Management. Che has almost five years of hands-on experience trading derivatives and equities, as well as shorting international indicies.


Che Massong

Thomas Bennett is an experienced Investments Officer who helps manage a $6 Billion fund. He has an Undergraduate degree in Commerce, Majoring in Finance from Curtin University. Thomas also has a Post graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting. He has half a decades exposure to equity markets and specializes in Australian Equities


Thomas Bennett