Hydra Hashgraph (HBAR) - Better than Bitcoin?

Like Bitcoin Hbar is a decentralized and public distribution ledger. The main difference is that Bitcoin uses Blockchain technology but Hashgraph uses Gossip protocol. If you haven’t read our report on Bitcoin yet you can find it here. https://beyondtheticker.org/analysis-beyond-the-ticker/uqxod4omkmb3s64mph2823ic4c1gt4

Gossip protocol is continuously sending and receiving: signature, timestamp and the transaction as well two cryptographic messages or hash. The Hashgraph is able to achieve everything blockchains can achieve in terms of security and a ledger of transaction. The Image below gives a visual representation of how the Hashgraph works compared to blockchain.


Hbar improves upon blockchain technology in speed, cost and scalability. See below.


Elon musk recently tweeted that Tesla will be using Bitcoin for transactions as soon as mining transitions to a more sustainable energy. Tesla is also looking at other crypto currencies that use <1% of Bitcoins energy/transaction. Below is a comparison of energy usage for Hashgraph transactions compared to Bitcoin transactions.

Hashgraph is owned and governed by some of the world’s leading organizations including: Boeing, Eftpos, Google, IMB, LG, Standard Bank and Shinhan Bank. Hbar is decentralized but the system is patented.


A2 Milk Company


Netwealth Group